With these great magic tricks, you can wonder the kids. You can even act as a magician and show the tricks to them. Kids can also learn these tricks easily.
The magician is standing in front of the audience. In one hand he holds an air balloon. On the other hand, he has a pin. He says a spell and sticks the needle into the balloon. But it does not burst!
Preparation of the trick:
Stick a short tape strip to the balloon at a selected spot, where you later insert the needle.Therefore, the balloon does not burst.
The magician takes an already burnedblack-headed match from his matchbox. He says a spell. At the same time, he strokes the matchstick to inflame it along the matchbox. Amazingly, the match is burning.
Preparation of the trick:
At first paint the match head with a black petrol pen. Then it willlook like that of a burnt match but can be reignited later.
The magician places a postcard (photo side pointing down) on a drinking glass filled with water. He says a spell, turning the glass upside down. He presses the postcard. To the astonishment of the spectators, the postcard sticks to the opening of the glass and causing no water leak!!!
Preparation of the trick:
It does not require any direct preparation. You just have to put the postcard correctly at the top of the glass, it must have to touch the edges otherwise this trick will not work.
This magic trick should always be performed in the outside like in the garden or in the house, over a water bucket. It can go wrong anytime!